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As a man don't marry and play the role of a king.
The mentality that husbands don't have to do
anything does not work in marriage in this time and
You didn't marry to be taken care of as a boy. Be a
man, get involved with what goes on in the house.
A woman appreciates friendship or partnership not
a kingship.
Some husbands refuse to do anything except to
eat, making love and sleeping in the house like a
new born baby. No woman loves to play the ROLE
OF A HOUSEMAID, be a man that helps his wife.
Times are changing, wives are expected to
financially help in managing the home so must
husbands also help in maintaining the home.
Put your shoes at the right place, drop your dirty
clothes in the laundry and don't leave it anywhere.
Empty the garbage if it's full, fix the bed sheets if
you are the last to wake up, clean the breadcrumbs
when you cut a bread .
If she is cooking, at least touch some works, help
to make the work of your wife easier, remember
you're helping your rib, not where by you're just
yondolola your mendo like a mantis, she is working
6 to 6 and still you demand for 12 rounds, come
on, is she your working machine or your dear
Take responsibility with regards to house chores, it
is your house too.. She goes to the market, offer to
buy the groceries you both need from the supper
market or mall. It doesn't CHANGE your POSITION
But women, don't take a man who help you all
these for granted. You will lose your marriage and
you will always know what was behind your helpful
man once you lose him and married to king lion
Most wives are just stressed out.
To all mothers: teach your boys to be helpful in the
house, teach them to clean and cook simple
meals, it will help them later in marriage.
Watch the man you want to marry, if he can't keep
his clothes or bedroom clean, think again, Are you
ready to mother him and your kids??? Because not
all works should be done by a wife, even putting
the shoes where they supposed to be unless a

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