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The Power Of Visualisation

What I am about to share may look like abracadabra but it works. It is called the power of visualisation. When you visualise and focus on a something you desire to achieve, it will come to pass. The Yoruba's call it 'afokansi' (setting your heart on something).
I have a friend in Ilesa. When he desires something, he will tell anybody who cares to listen, this is what he wants to do. And in a matter of months it is in his hands. He buys cars like toys. He even bought one recently for his first daughter, a fresh graduate awaiting her call up letter. Maybe he has something juju, jazz etc., you may say.......My friend will leave anybody as long as he is friend or relation in his house, with his bedroom door unbolted or locked. So anyone can enter his bedroom any time, peep at anything he wants peep at either in his wardrobe or toilet. Michael is that 'careless'. The truth is that I have known him inside out for up to 30 years, hes got nothing, when it comes to juju not even fuji.
Lest we forget; happy father's day.
But we use to discuss a lot. Recently in one of our discussions while cruising together inside his Izuzu jeep to town, he said something in Yoruba language but I will translate it, 'you need to know that when you put something in your mind and you focus your mind on it you will get it done.'
What I have seen in his life is enough to convince me to take his words serious, but not until I attended a multilevel marketing empowerment trainings at Allen Avenue Ikeja Lagos, did I really took Michael serious. In this training another authority was quoted to have said that when you have a goal and allow your mind focus on it, certain forces begin to work in your favour! I jerked awake!
I got convinced further when I discovered that in the Book of Genesis God Himself agreed that those who are building the tower of Babel will achieve their goal because they were united in imaginations and focused on the project.
That was when I remembered that I have practised this principle myself with tangible results but forgot to continue. I will give you a relevant example. When I felt that going to a cybercafe all the time or having a desktop PC may not be enough and I will need a laptop, I took certain steps. The first thing was to buy a modem for browsing which is quite easier. Next I bought a fine looking laptop bag, which is even much more easier. Now I could begin to visualise myself inserting my laptop in the bigger compartment and the charger in the smaller one. Within months, I got a brand new Toshiba laptop!
It's not for you to be thinking of the financial and cost implications and be allowing your imaginations to run wild, as in - where will the money come from? Bla bla bla, ad infinitum..... Relax! Calm down! Have a plan, set a goal, then focus on it and keep visualizing it. .....Sooner it will be in your hands. 

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